Hi there! I’m Viktor.

I’m {{ whatever year we are currently }} - 1998 years old and I’m currently working as a Production Engineer at Meta.

You can find me on facebook, github, instagram, linkedin.

Contact me

If you want to chat, hmu on any of the above or email me using this PGP key:

curl https://viktorbarzin.me/gpg.asc | gpg --import

Email: contact@viktorbarzin.me

About this site

The website will mostly be me sharing my experience with various technologies. I’ll post new articles every now and then on various technologies I’ve come across.


I found that the list below keeps getting out of date as I keep adding new services to my cluster so to solve this problem I (you guessed it) setup another service to display everything that I currently self-host. You can find all my latest projects with links (some require authentication) at dashy.viktorbarzin.me.


Here are some of the apps I self host. The full list (besides the terraform modules in my github repo) can be found at dashy.viktorbarzin.me.



In the blog section I occasionally blog about interesting issues and how I overcame them.

Happy reading! Hope you enjoy :-)